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Solstice Celebrations & Shamanic Ceremony

Julie Hannon

Updated: May 8, 2020

This morning, hosted by The Four Winds, I participated in a Solstice Ceremony with an amazing group of Andean Shaman. This ceremony inspired me to host an in-person ceremony on the Outer Banks, where I am literally JUST arriving for two weeks at the beach. If you are here at the beach, join me at 5:45 tonite at

Solstice is a time to celebrate the light -- within and from our sun. Take some time during this solstice to celebrate the fullness of who you are, your personal medicine you came into this world with and the service you provide to the world just by being here. A Solstice is always a good time to do some kind of ritual or ceremony around the celebration of energy, support and the fullness of life. In the Northern Hemisphere we are celebrating a day of the most SUN light -- and in the Southern Hemisphere they celebrate the return of the light (in balance with the longest daylight in the North. Where are you reaching for the light? Have you honored the places that you cast a shadow ? Solstice is such a eep honoring time -- to bring forward the energy of abundance and clarity of purpose.

Having just returned from Peru/Lake Titicaca, I am full of sunlight - and the gift of being reminded of the many Solar practices of the people of the Lake -- the Children of the Sun. Today I simply write to invite you to remember your light. To practice warm words, with yourself and with others.And to share a ceremony to honor these deep places that remember our star nature. May the long time sun shine upon you, all love surround you, and the pure light within you guide your way on.

warmly --- Julie

Here is a link to the ceremony we shared in Peru, with deep gratitude to the Four Winds for sharing this ceremony and bringing together this sacred circle.

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