Sunrise comes every day, and with it a new beginning and another opportunity to embrace the sacred. There is magic in turning to the east to welcome the sun. You don’t have to watch it rise, though there is beauty and delight there, and healing downloads offered in each sun-upload. Welcome the sun whenever you wake up.
You can embrace the sacred with breath and intention setting.
How do you want to show up in the world today?
What frequency will you put out?
Shamanic Centering Each Sacred Morning
How do you start your day? Do you stumble into it, dodging what comes at you? Do you meet it with a groan of dread or a little trepidation? Do you — would you — welcome each day?
Mary Oliver says, “Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness.” What if you followed her lead?
Imagine rising from bed, stretching in the morning light. Maybe it’s mostly dark with light just beginning to play over the land. Maybe it is bright already and you bask in a swath of warmth and light. Could you start the day with gratitude for the life giving light of the sun? Would you say thank you for this new day?
Each day is a fresh start. Each day we can open to all that is possible. It’s about setting your intention. It’s about choosing your vibrations; being informed by the future rather than reaching for a past (familiar) habit. What if you chose to start the day with a sunrise meditation?
Turn to the sun. Perhaps, smile at the sun in greeting. Wave hello. Open your arms to say welcome.
Tune to your breath. Breathe in light. Breathe in joy. Breathe in possibility. Let yourself bask in all of your potential.
Set an intention.
How do you want to feel this morning?
How do you want to show up throughout the day?
Happiness, kindness, gratitude, love …

When you start each day welcoming the sun, you open to the world around you. When you start each day noticing the warm rays, the shift in color, you connect with the wisdom of nature. You are nature, so when you connect with nature, you connect with your heart wisdom. When you connect to your heart wisdom each day, it makes it easier for you to hear it.
Then as you go through the day, pay attention. Notice how it feels to live with that intention. If you feel yourself losing the thread of your intention, breathe again into that space; center in your intention.
You can bring shamanic centering into your life by following your breath in through the door of your heart.. It doesn’t hurt to have a guide or to join a shamanic gathering to open yourself even more to the sacred.
There is sacred in being alone with our own breath and heart wisdom. There is sacred energy that comes from gathering in community. Either way, do something for yourself, and show up each day with gratitude and welcome. Open to the sacred.