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Lake Titicaca: The Sea at the Top of the World

Julie Hannon

The Lake called me for many years before I made my first journey there a few years ago, and the magic of connecting with these sacred waters has changed me: as deep as the lake is (over 900 feet (280 m) at its deepest) – we journey into the depths of our selves and the wisdom of the Andean people that is informed by the Amaru peoples and culture of Lake Titicaca.

Lake Titicaca has long been called the “Sea at the Top of the World,” it is the highest navigable lake on Earth. It is said to be the place where the Sun and the Moon gave birth to the “Children of the Sun” — the Inka Lineage that brought teachings and healing to the entire Cusco Valley.

Join me here – at “the Sea at the Top of the World” – where we will connect to this very energy of the Sun. Lake Titicaca sits at the foothills of Illimani and Illamu- the great mountains that watch over the alti plano. It is said that the Golden Disc is hidden in the waters of the Lake – bringing further mystery and magic to the waters.

Like all shamanic journeys, we do not stay on the shores! We will journey out into the Lake to be among the Amaru peoples and spend a few nights on the islands, connecting directly to the wisdom of the Lake. Imagine being out on an island, in the middle of lake that stretches for a 1000 miles in every direction. There are no motorized vehicles of any kind on the islands; it is so quiet and still. The people of these islands have lived here for generations; and each island has it’s own culture, tapestries, architectures…. You can recognize the lineage of these peoples by the hat they wear, or the sash at their waist.

This journey is about connecting to the sun, the lake, and the peoples of these places. They have stepped outside of time and live their lives in Ceremony. The Uru people live on floating reed islands, and made their homes on these islands in response to the Inkan expansion/invasion; and they are a pre-Inkan people, their traditions and culture preserved on the islands.

Each day we greet the Sun in ceremony. “The journey to the sun is the journey home” and as the sun meets the horizon each day we open to receive downloads that inform and update our very being. We are more than 2 miles high here and so close to the Sun that it’s as if we can reach out and touch this star that brings life to our blue-green earth-home.

As deep as the Lake herself is, this journey taught me about the depth of my self, the work, and these sacred teachings. Believed to be the “cradle of humanity” – when we return to the Lake we connect to the magic of Hummingbird – nectar and sweetness and unlimited possibility. Once we have (re-)discovered our deepest nectar, and been deeply informed by the Sun, we will have a ceremony at Sillustani to claim who we are in this moment.

This is the medicine of Lake Titicaca. Join me!

Lake Titicaca - June 10-15 - An expedition for Mesa Carriers

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